EST 1935
Art Galletta - Sales
Paul Galletta - Harvest Crew Supervisor
Robby Galletta - Harvest Crew Supervisor
Billy Galletta - Irrigation Crew Supervisor
Kathi Galletta - Office Manager
Paul Benedetti - Food Safety, Security, and Defense, Quality Control
To contact us via email, please fill in the form above,
or use your own method to send us an email at staff@atlanticblueberry.com.
In the subject field, please enter the name of the person you would like to contact (from the list on the left side of this page), followed by the subject of your email. Enter the body of your email into the blank box to the right of your name, email, and subject.
Address 7201 Weymouth Road, Hammonton, NJ 08037 Email staff@atlanticblueberry.com Tel 609-561-8600
6200 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330 Tel 609-625-1154
Office Hours:
Monday 8AM-4PM
Tuesday 8AM-4PM
Wednesday 8AM-4PM
Thursday 8AM-4PM
Friday 8AM-4PM
Saturday 8AM-4PM
Sunday 8AM-4PM
*Hours may change due to availability of blueberries
Please enter your name and email address in the corresponding fields below.